Smartox and Bayer to collaborate on animal venoms

Smartox Biotechnology is pleased to announce entering into research collaboration with BAYER (Germany). Companies aim at discovering innovative molecules from the VenomScreen biobank, a unique collection of peptides isolated from natural venoms.

About VenomScreen

VenomScreen is a semi-integrated solution that aims at discovering innovative molecules from animal venoms. It combines a growing peptide library of thousands of bioactive peptides isolated from natural venoms (spiders, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, conesnails…) and associated analytical and manufacturing services. Smartox Biotechnology offers this library to partners who can use it into screening assays in order to discover compounds of interest. Structure of hits are then determined by Smartox Biotechnology and validated hits can be synthesized in large quantities for extensive assays. To explore the VenomScreen library, please contact us.

About Smartox Biotechnology –

Smartox Biotechnology is a French start-up company specialized in the study of animal venoms. Venoms are composed of hundreds of different molecules, which include peptides that are small molecules with exceptional structural and functional properties. These peptides are efficient modulators of the activity of numerous membrane receptors of the cell surface making them particularly interesting for use as drugs or for studying several physiological processes of the human body. VenomScreen®, a division of Smartox Biotechnology, is in charge of studying natural venoms by using the latest technologies in mass spectrometry while SmartFold® division will be in charge of reproducing the most interesting peptides by proprietary processes.

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